The void of a cloudless sky can be extremely beautifull. In the same time, it can fill our heart with terror. The nothingness, the infinite  is exposed to our naked eye. The Cloudbuster combines your wish to create a perfect bleu sky, without any coordinates to orientate yourself, and the urge to dissapear. By lying in this machine, you become a cloud. Put yourself in front of it, and you will bust yourself, in other words , dissapear.

The mechanism of the Cloudbuster is based on the orgone-theory of Reich.

Dr. Reich and three assistants set up their “rain-making” device off the shore of Grand Lake, near the Bangor hydro-electric dam …

“According to a reliable source, the following climactic changes took place in that city on the night of July 6 and the early morning of July 7: “Rain began to fall shortly after ten o’clock Monday evening, first as a drizzle and then by midnight as a gentle, steady rain. Rain continued throughout the night, and a rainfall of 0.24 inches was recorded in Ellsworth the following morning.”

A puzzled witness to the “rain-making” process said: “The queerest looking clouds you ever saw began to form soon after they got the thing rolling.” And later the same witness said the scientists were able to change the course of the wind by manipulation of the device.

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